Hearing Aid Microphones Roger™ Technology

Use Roger in challenging listening situations such as restaurants, meetings at work and school activities to boost your hearing performance.

Boosts hearing performance in noise and over distance1

31% of hearing aid wearers report they still have challenges hearing in noisy situations2.This is where Roger digital wireless technology truly excels.

Phonak RogerDirectTM - Roger Microphones

Streams directly to hearing aids

RogerDirectTM is an industry-first from Phonak that allows Roger microphones to stream directly to your hearing aids. After an installation of the Roger receiver into the hearing aid by a hearing care professional, you benefit from the proven performance of Roger, in noise and over distance1 without attaching an external receiver.


Improved speech understanding

Roger technology continuously measures the surrounding noise level and adapts the microphone’s volume automatically. If the noise level increases, Roger adapts accordingly, keeping the speaker´s voice above the background noise. Hearing aid users understand almost 10 times better with Roger technology in noise and over distance than people with normal hearing.1

Roger Technology Improves Speech Understanding - Phonak
Phonak Hearing Aids for Adults

Enhancing group listening experience

MultiBeam Technology enables you to experience exceptional speech understanding in group conversations. By utilizing multiple microphones in six directions, speech from 360 degrees is calculated and compared to select automatically the direction with the best clarity. This allows you to hear regardless of where a voice is coming from. Speech understanding improves up to 61% in a group conversation in loud noise.3


Access to multiple talkers

Unique to Roger and fully automatic, the MultiTalker Network allows several Roger microphones to be used together, providing you with access to multiple talkers in any situation.

MultiBeam Technology for Speech Understanding with Phonak

Roger microphones for every situations

Products with Roger technology

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1 Thibodeau, L. (2014). Comparison of speech recognition with adaptive digital and FM wireless technology by listeners who use hearing aids. American Journal of Audiology, 23(2), 201-210.
2 Abrams, H. B., & Kihm, J. (2015). An Introduction to MarkeTrak IX: A New Baseline for the Hearing Aid Market. Hearing Review, 22(6), 16.
3 Based on preliminary data. Peer-reviewed article and Field Study News in preparation, available end of 2019 at www.phonakpro.com/evidence.