Tinnitus is No. 1 disability for veterans

Tinnitus affects at least one in every 10 American adults

Getting help for tinnitus

Commonly referred to as ringing in the ears, tinnitus affects over 45 million Americans. While some people can ignore their tinnitus most of the time, leaving it untreated can put a strain on your well-being.

Tinnitus can lead to stress, concentration problems, sleeplessness, social isolation and depression. Consulting a hearing care provider can help put you on the path for treatment.

What to expect at first appointment

While there is no standard procedure for the diagnosis or management of tinnitus, you can expect to cover a few basic steps in your assessment that include:

  1. Tinnitus assessment via a questionnaire
  2. Tinnitus analysis and hearing test
  3. Explanation of your individual results of step 1 and 2
  4. Explanation which products/treatments are recommended for your unique tinnitus
  5. Counseling and goal setting

Don't be concerned by the hearing test — most people with chronic tinnitus have some degree of hearing loss, often very mild and barely noticeable. This is why a hearing test always goes hand-in-hand with the tinnitus assessment.

Tinnitus sound therapy

One of the most well-known treatment plans for tinnitus is sound therapy. By providing additional sounds for the ears to focus on, your tinnitus becomes less noticeable. The aim of this type of tinnitus management is to help you focus less on your tinnitus, and so provide you with relief.

The ultimate goal is to teach your brain to reclassify tinnitus noise as an unimportant sound that blends into the background.

Just like no two people will have the same tinnitus issues, treatment options are also vast. Your hearing care provider will find the right path for you.

Take our free online hearing test

Take our free online hearing test

While there's no replacement for a consultation with a hearing care provider, the Phonak online hearing screening can provide some quick and useful feedback about your hearing.

Take the 3-minute free online hearing test now!

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Hearing aids on VA contract

Hearing aids on VA contract

To find a hearing aids center for veterans near you, click on the button below. Or, call 866-230-0110, and a Phonak VA Customer Care Representative will be happy to help you. 

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Hearing aids centers for veterans

Hearing aids centers for veterans

To find a hearing aids center for veterans near you today click on the button below. Or, call 866-230-0110 and a Phonak VA Customer Care Representative can help.

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