There is so much more to gain

The latest advances in hearing aid technology can provide just what you need to live life to the fullest

What experienced hearing aid wearers should know

A general overview

Experienced hearing aid wearers are several steps ahead of the pack. They have already committed to improving their health, visited hearing care professionals, and tested out and adjusted the technology which they wear. 

They have recaptured an abundance of sound which was lost in their worlds and improved many of their relationships.
But there are still things to be aware of moving forward.

These include:

  • Advancements in hearing technology
  • Recognizing when it’s time for a new hearing aid
  • Benefits of upgrading with new technology

The future of hearing aids

Toward advancement & innovation

What does the future of hearing aids look like? Simply put, it is everchanging.

With each passing year, hearing aids become capable of processing more data and information — in more varied forms, from more varied sources. This is also the general trend in audio technology.

Hearing aids are also becoming smaller, more invisible and increasingly durable. Plus, they feature a world of fantastic features, including rechargeable batteries, direct streaming, speech enhancement, motion detection, environment recognition, noise cancellation, personalized settings, new operating systems and processing chips with double the memory — all of which creates a more complete experience for the overall well-being of the wearer.

Hearing Aids For Experienced Users

Why the need to evolve?

Phonak remains driven to support those with hearing loss, and we are dedicated to advancement and innovation in reconnecting people to the beauty of sound, so they can thrive socially and emotionally.

So while there remains no cure for hearing loss, Phonak uses its abundant experience, wealth of research gained from past innovations and decades of industry experience.

Phonak has been committed to developing, producing and distributing life-changing hearing solutions for over 70 years, and our many users and affiliated hearing care professionals further educate us on what they want and need moving forward.

So as technology continues to advance, Phonak will continue leading the way in developing practical advancements that improve everyday life.

And, we will continue striving towards perfection.

Signs it may be time for a new hearing aid

Lifestyle changes meet wear and tear

When considering a new hearing aid, the most important thing to remember is that you won’t be doing it by yourself. You’ll be assisted by highly trained and fully certified professionals, who will guide you to the best fit for your current needs and situation.

But only you can take that first step to reach out.

Here are several key considerations when upgrading to a new device:

  • Your overall health
  • Hearing aid usage
  • The age of your hearing aid model
  • Your lifestyle changes
  • Signs you are experiencing difficult hearing

The most important signs are quite familiar. They are the same things you likely noticed when you first required a hearing aid.

Perhaps you cannot hear as well. You miss parts of conversations and ask people to repeat themselves more than you are comfortable with. You may also find yourself turning up the volume on the TV and audio equipment. You may also find yourself not as socially active as you used to be. You may shy from some social situations (especially noisy, crowded ones) and you may feel more withdrawn and distant.

Another thing to consider is the age of the hearing aid. Depending on the wear and tear, hearing aids can last up to - and even beyond - six years before they begin to reach the end of their lifespan.

Depending on the style, some may last longer, but you should begin to take note of their performance.

Remember that hearing aids take a lot of wear and tear. They are often worn all day, every day. They are constantly working and have many parts. And if you really put yours through a lot, you may want to note their performance carefully after several years.

If you suffer from other health conditions, this may also affect your hearing aid needs. An excellent example of this is arthritis. Many who suffer from it find it difficult to change the tiny batteries in hearing aids. This is a good time to consider rechargeable hearing aids (which can simply be plugged in).

Lifestyle changes can also affect your needs. If you enjoy listening to podcasts or listening to music while you exercise, for example, you may consider upgrading to Bluetooth®-enabled hearing aids. The increased connectivity they provide can lead you to a more digitally connected lifestyle.

Newer hearing aid models also are more technologically advanced, and thus generally function better and more efficiently.

Though again, they are medical devices, and a hearing care professional is best suited to help you understand what is available and what will fit you best.

And ultimately, a hearing test remains the best indicator of whether or not you need a new hearing aid.

Try the free Phonak Online Hearing test here.

The benefits of upgrading hearing aids

Advanced technology and increased freedom

Hearing aid technology is advancing rapidly, and if you’ve been wearing the same hearing aids for more than a few years, you may be missing out on a range of new developments.

Benefits of upgrading include:

  • Advanced hearing aid technology
  • Upgraded connectivity
  • Automatic adjustment
  • Improved speech understanding
  • A better understanding of your own hearing
  • Boosted hearing performance

Phonak is devoted to continuous research, geared toward the latest technological advancements.


One excellent example is the ability of Phonak hearing aids to stream between each other.

Phonak hearing aids also let you move seamlessly between situations. Your hearing aids sample the sound environment and automatically adjust the settings to match it. This allows you to move confidently from your home, to the office, into social settings at night.
Connectivity is also advancing rapidly. This may sound daunting to some. But it also means that much technology is easier to use than ever.

For instance, Bluetooth®***** is becoming increasingly common. It allows you to connect to a wide range of accessories, devices and audio sources. But upgrading to Bluetooth-enabled hearing aids also doesn’t mean you need a new phone, or new equipment. In fact, recent Bluetooth developments mean even older equipment is now accessible. For instance, Bluetooth-enabled hearing aids can now connect to many flip phones.

For more, explore this link: Check your phone compatibility

Roger microphones

Roger microphones

Roger™ technology is designed to enhance speech understanding in loud noise and over distance. It is the perfect accessory for challenging listening situations, including large groups and meetings, with multiple people speaking.

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Find a hearing care specialist near you

Roger microphones

Appealing solutions that deliver Roger™ technology designed to enhance speech understanding in loud noise and over distance1.

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*up to 50 cm or 1.64 feet
**Virto P-312 only
***compared to Phonak Audéo Marvel
****when using a CROS system compared to unaided
*****The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Sonova AG is under license.

1 Appleton, J. (2020) AutoSense OS 4.0 - significantly less listening effort and preferred for speech intelligibility. Phonak Field Study News retrieved from, accessed February, 2022.
Appleton, J. (2020) AutoSense OS 4.0 - significantly less listening effort and preferred for speech intelligibility. Phonak Field Study News retrieved from, accessed November 2020.
Latzel, M & Hobi, S (2022) ActiveVent™ Receiver provides benefit of open and closed acoustics for better speech understanding in noise and naturalness of own voice perception. Phonak Field Study News retrieved from, accessed May 2022
Thibodeau L. M. (2020) Benefits in Speech Recognition in Noise with Remote Wireless Microphones in Group Settings. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 31(6), 404–411.
2 Stewart, E. & Woodward, J. (2021). Out of the (Head) Shadow: A Systematic Review of CROS/BiCROS Literature. Manuscript in preparation.

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Knowing you have a hearing loss is only half the battle, speaking with an expert can provide you with the best guidance on what is best for you.  Our online search tool is easy to use and will connect with a Phonak expert in your local area. Don’t wait until it’s too late, connect with an expert today.